Answers to prayer are a joy to hear when reported by others.  But when they occur in our own spiritual journey, they become especially glorious.

One week ago today, I received such an answer.

Nearly twenty years ago, while I pastored in the Greater New York Conference, I was introduced to a young man who had just joined the church through the influence of a co-worker.  He had gone to one of our universities to study theology, and soon became a notable campus leader.  My own experience in student leadership throughout my scholastic years enabled me to provide what I hoped was positive mentorship for this young man. 

Because of his winsome, charismatic personality, he was able to open many doors for the cause of revival and reformation on the campus where he studied.  Students, teachers, and school administrators soon became acquainted with him.  While not all appreciated his influence, even those not in accord with the agenda he pursued found his persona difficult to resist.

Straying from the Path

In the years that followed, this young man switched schools and became active in various phases of the Lord’s work.  But sadly, he made some bad choices along the way, and his steps veered from the path of truth. 

For twelve years I and others in the church who had been close to him were unable to connect with him.  One friend in particular would always ask me if I had heard from this mutual friend of ours.  Together we would weep and pray for him. 

Coming Home

But then, within the past several years, reports began to reach us that our friend was returning to God.  We couldn’t confirm them, but we kept praying.  Somehow we sensed that the Lord was especially at work in His quest for the soul of this precious child of His.

Then, one week ago today, I received a text from an unknown telephone number.  The area code was from Manhattan, but that was all I could tell for sure.  The text asked if I was available to talk on the phone.  I said I was, but asked the identity of the caller.  He didn’t respond.  (I think he wanted to surprise me.)  An hour and a half later, my cell phone rang, and it was my long-lost friend. 

We talked for an hour and a half, and he spoke of his return to God and to His church, and of the great change that had recently come over his life.  The more he spoke, the more my heart rejoiced.  I began to weep tears of joy, which haven’t abated for the past seven days. 

Two weeks from tomorrow, he will be rebaptized into God’s remnant church.  I purchased my flight tickets several days ago, so—God willing—I’ll be there. 

When the Lord Brings Back His Own

Many of us have friends and loved ones who have strayed from God and His church.  Many times we wonder if anything can reach them, especially when they don’t respond to our efforts to reach out.  But as King Solomon said so long ago, in his prayer to God at the dedication of the Temple: “Thou, even Thou only, knowest the hearts of all the children of men” (I Kings 8:39).  God alone knows how to appeal to every experience and to touch responsive hearts.  We may find ourselves at a loss to know what to do in many such situations.  But if we stay on our knees, the Lord will guide.

A few months ago I watched a television program on the Patagonia in southern Argentina.  One episode featured a shepherd with over a thousand sheep, tending them closely and with obvious concern.  A visitor in our home who was watching the show with me commented, “I’ll bet he knows all those sheep.”  I replied: “Like the greatest Shepherd of all, who knows all His sheep.”

I truly love songs that speak of our Savior looking for His lost sheep.  One of these is, “The Ninety and Nine,” no doubt familiar to many of our readers.  The final stanza of this great hymn has always been among my favorites:

            But all through the mountains, thunder-riven

            And up from the rocky steep

            There rose a cry to the gate of heaven,

            “Rejoice, I have found My sheep!”

            And the angels sang around the throne,

            “Rejoice, for the Lord brings back His own!

            “Rejoice, for the Lord brings back His own!”

Let us each attend our Lord in His search for His straying sheep.  And when even one is found and brought back, let us never fail to rejoice.

Pastor Kevin Paulson holds a Bachelor’s degree in theology from Pacific Union College, a Master of Arts in systematic theology from Loma Linda University, and a Master of Divinity from the SDA Theological Seminary at Andrews University. He served the Greater New York Conference of Seventh-day Adventists for ten years as a Bible instructor, evangelist, and local pastor. He writes regularly for Liberty magazine and does script writing for various evangelistic ministries within the denomination. He continues to hold evangelistic and revival meetings throughout the North American Division and beyond, and is a sought-after seminar speaker relative to current issues in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He presently resides in Berrien Springs, Michigan