In less than two weeks, Cincinnati, Ohio, will be filled with committed Adventists from around the world. Only a couple blocks from the Ohio River, the Adventist-laymen's Services & Industries (ASI) convention begins August 8th and ends on the 11th. The atmosphere at ASI is a combination of energy, encouragement, and excitement. And this is exciting: ADvindicate will have a booth there for the first time.
The Lord placed it on the hearts of two couples in Ohio to help make this booth happen, and I am grateful to my friend Steve and his wife for their gracious participation in helping to organize this event. I am also grateful to Nancy Wagoner and her untiring support. The booth number is 1022 in the exhibit hall.
David Read and Gerry Wagoner will take turns working the booth during exhibit hours. There will be a drawing for a Kindle Fire, and other materials made available to exhibit hall attendees. Please pray for us, and all who attend the ASI convention.
As they say in Kentucky (just over the river) “Ya’ll come.” It ought to be fun!
For more information on the ASI Convention, please visit the ASI website.