Yes, you've come to the right spot. ADvindicate looks different doesn't it? You may be wondering why the complete overhaul.
For almost the last year and half, ADvindicate used Wordpress and a preconfigured theme. While the setup worked and looked decent, we needed the ability to customize our layout and Wordpress, while very flexible, didn't allow us to do that without significant CSS and PHP knowledge. ADvindicate doesn't have $10,000-$15,000 to spend on a completely customized website, so we did the next best thing. We opted for a service that allowed us endless customization for the same price we're paying for our server, domain and backup system combined.
The new design is intended to emphasize the content, so all you see is the text as you scroll down. No more sidebars filled with widgets that often had redundant information. We believe this minimalist approach gives more continuity to the site and makes the site simpler and easier to use. We've also been able to add an author index under archives, which we didn't have before.
Other news
In March we incorporated as a non-profit organization in Calif., and this month we are submitting our 501(c)3 application--finally. Our traffic has increased significantly in the last three months, averaging 67,000 pageviews per month. This is double what we started the year out with.
ADvindicate will be hosting a booth at the ASI Convention in Orlando, Fla., August 7-10. Gerry Wagoner will be there and I know he'd enjoy an opportunity to meet you if you're in the area.
Let us know what you think of the new design below.