Literature evangelism does work

More than one thousand will soon be converted in one day, most of whom will trace their first convictions to the reading of our publications.
— Review and Herald, Nov. 10, 1885

A woman living in Virginia was shopping at a wireless phone dealer, but unfortunately the dealer did not have the item she wanted in stock. While she was waiting for her bus to go to another store, some of the employees from the store she had just visited saw her and offered to take her to the other store location.

On the trip over she felt impressed to share some of the GLOW tracts she had with her. The employees were touched by the message in the tracts and asked if she had more so they could display them in their store. What she had wasn't enough for them, so they asked her how they could get more, but that wasn't all they asked for. They wanted to know how they could sign up for Bible studies.

One way you can always be ready to share the Gospel is by keeping GLOW tracts on your person. This way when the Holy Spirit impresses you to witness to a particular person, you'll be ready. 


Full Circle Director Justin Khoe for the Southeastern California Conference, Calif., holding GLOW tracts.  

Full Circle Director Justin Khoe for the Southeastern California Conference, Calif., holding GLOW tracts.