ADvindicate Forum

Some of you may have noticed a new link appear in the navigation menu at the top of ADvindicate's home page. We've added a forum. For those of you who enjoy reading or writing comments, this is the page for you. No longer do you have to click through all the articles to see what's going on.

Recent comments

You want to know who made the most recent comment and on what post? This is where you would look. The All posts tab is the main feed. Comments made any where on the website, including the forums (e.g. Moderation, General & Test), are posted posted here. The feed is organized by thread with the most recently commented on thread at the top. Clicking on a thread will collapse it or expand it. When a new comment is made a red dot will appear in the thread heading. The My Feed shows only your comments and any responses to them.


You can see who else is online along with the number anonymous viewers. Anonymous viewers are the number of people viewing that are not logged in.


Right now we're utilizing the forums as a place to give instant help for those who are commenting. The Moderation forum would be the place to make queries about why a comment was deleted. The Test forum would be the place to try out Moot (comment system) and test a feature or two before leaving a comment on a post. The forum has lots of possibilities and may expand into something more. If you have any ideas, let us know.


It's live because it doesn't need to be refreshed to be updated. In fact, you can even see when someone is commenting. A green circle will appear on the thread that someone is typing on. If you click on that thread and scroll to the bottom, you can see who is typing.

Flat comments

Occasionally you may see a post, such as this one, that utilizes flat comments. This means the comments are not threaded. The purpose for this is to make the conversation more focused on the content.

Check out the forum. If you have any questions or thoughts leave a comment below. 


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