ADvindicate surpasses its goal of $30,000

We're excited to announce ADvindicate raised over $33,000 for its 2015 budget. ADvindicate's goal has been to publish a biblical perspective on trending Adventist issues. With the ability to pay for content, we now have more control over the quality and quantity of our articles, but beyond that, it allows us to begin expanding our news coverage. So thank you for your dedication to ADvindicate's goal and mission. 

If you are a writer and interested in publishing your articles with Advindicate, the following is the pay scale for accepted submissions:


The scaled rate ranges from $50-$150 and is based on an article's popularity. The article's popularity is measured over a two-week span by Google Analytics, and payment is issued after the 14th day of publication. You are guaranteed a base payment of $50 for your article no matter its popularity.


The flat rate is based on the editor's interest in an article and ranges from $50-$150. A flat rate article will be paid for upon acceptance.


The editor has the option of selecting either the scaled or flat rate for solicited articles. The rate will be agreed upon at the time of solicitation. Unsolicited articles will only be paid for using the scaled rate. If the article has already been published elsewhere, then no payment will be issued.

Before sending in your article, please read our submission guidelines and follow the checklist.

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