For nearly twelve years, has endeavored to uphold the distinctive teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church as set forth in Scripture, the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy, and our 28 Fundamental Beliefs. Whether concerning the doctrine of inspiration, the Trinity, the origin of life, human sexuality, gender roles in ministry, the doctrine of the sanctuary and the significance of 1844, the various issues attendant to Last Generation Theology and the Bible doctrine of salvation, classic Adventist prophetic interpretation, the relationship of church and state, and much more, our goal has been to direct Seventh-day Adventists to the objective standard of the inspired writings as the sole guide to faith and practice, in contrast with the varying trends of human opinion, human culture, human scholarship, and human experience.
Our purpose has been, and continues to be, both the production of Biblically sound materials and the facilitation of gracious and substantive conversation relative to current denominational issues. We believe the written counsel of God contains clear and relevant answers to all spiritual disputes and to the numerous objections both past and present to the teachings and lifestyle imperatives of the Seventh-day Adventist faith.
We believe the brightest days of our ministry lie before us. We welcome the support of all who share our convictions and vision for revival and reformation within God's remnant church. To meet our operating expenses and remain viable, we need a support commitment of five thousand U.S. dollars ($5,000.00) in monthly contributions. Your support will be genuinely appreciated.
Ours is a 501(c)3 organization, which means all gifts—whether processed through the website or otherwise--are tax-deductible under the United States Internal Revenue Code.
Please feel free to contact us with inquiries and suggestions. We solicit the prayers and support of all who share our convictions, who seek the fulfillment of the goals here stated, and whose supreme desire is to hasten the return of our Savior in power and great glory.