A one-word revision in 2009 of Working Policy E-60 allowed for female ministers who are commissioned to serve as conference presidents within the North American Division. The revision, which added the word "commissioned," was voted in 2009 by the North American Division Executive Committee (NADCOM). However, after a review of the General Conference Constitution, working policy, and church manuel, NAD's legal counsel found that NADCOM did "not have the right to establish policies which are out of harmony with the General Conference Model Constitution or General Conference Working Policy." This means the North American Division Committee did not have authority to vote the inclusion of the word "commissioned" into the E-60 Policy, because it was out of harmony with the General Conference Working Policy.
In his letter to the full NAD committee, NAD President Dan Jackson said, "The editors will be directed to omit the word 'commissioned' from the E-60 Policy contained in the 2011-2012 edition of the NAD Working Policy."
He added, "In bringing this matter to the floor in 2010 and 2011 we were doing so under the assumption that the North American Division had a constituency separate and distinct from the General Conference. Unfortunately, we were wrong and we sincerely apologize."
Read the North American Division press release.