As 2024 draws to a close, the world and the church continue to face crisis.  And the needs of our ministry, material and otherwise, continue to persist.

In the seven years since I became webmaster of ADvindicate, our ministry team has sought to maintain strict faithfulness to what must always remain the sole source of authority in matters spiritual, which for Seventh-day Adventists is the written counsel of God: both Scripture and the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy.  We believe these inspired sources must ever remain the lodestar of Seventh-day Adventist faith and practice, the shining beacon transcending human opinion, human culture, human scholarship, and human experience.

It would seem that very hard times lie before us as the new year dawns.  Polarization and conflict continue to ravage America and the world, and will likely accelerate in the immediate future.  Within the church, the forces of compromise and challenge to the inspired standard, along with the distracting agendas of popular culture—whatever label it wears—continue to threaten the purpose and unity of the great Advent movement.  Our mission at ADvindicate is to keep intact the inspired guardrails against all such threats, and to hold aloft before the Advent people—without fear or favor—the witness of the inspired consensus as the answer to all the church’s dilemmas. 

But we need the material support of our readers to keep this ministry going.

Many of you will recall the appeal we sent out in April.  We received some positive responses thereto, but not enough.  We have still not achieved our goal of developing a $5,000 monthly budget, whereby those leading the ministry and the ministry itself can draw adequate sustenance.  If you have found yourselves blessed by the content and direction of our website, we urge you to share with us the tangible blessings with which God has sustained you. 

We realize how, in this season of giving, numerous appeals clamor for our attention and generosity.  But we pray that you will find the message of our website, with its quest for adherence to the inspired writings while avoiding extremism and diversions of all kinds, more worthy now than perhaps before of whatever giving of which you are presently capable.

Donations to our ministry can be made on our website, or sent by check to our ministry address listed below:

ADvindicate P.O. Box 429 Berrien Springs, MI 49103

Those wishing to send contributions through other electronic means may contact our treasurer, Lemuel Sapian, at <lemuel.sapian@gmail.com>

Please lay our needs before the Lord in prayer.  We need your help.  May the Lord bless and guide your decision, is our prayer.

Pastor Kevin Paulson holds a Bachelor’s degree in theology from Pacific Union College, a Master of Arts in systematic theology from Loma Linda University, and a Master of Divinity from the SDA Theological Seminary at Andrews University. He served the Greater New York Conference of Seventh-day Adventists for ten years as a Bible instructor, evangelist, and local pastor. He writes regularly for Liberty magazine and does script writing for various evangelistic ministries within the denomination. He continues to hold evangelistic and revival meetings throughout the North American Division and beyond, and is a sought-after seminar speaker relative to current issues in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He presently resides in Berrien Springs, Michigan