In this third installment of our series on the heresy taught by Robert Brinsmead during the 1960s—which, as we have seen, attempted to combine the classic Adventist paradigm many call Last Generation Theology with the doctrine of original sin as taught by Augustine and the magisterial Reformers—we will consider what is taught by the inspired writings regarding preparation for the end-time sealing, an event inspired writings place just before the close of probation. We will especially consider whether, according to the inspired pen, the sealing/latter rain experience involves any change in the believer beyond a settling and confirmation of an experience already possessed.
Read MoreThe Brinsmead Heresy and Last Generation Theology, Part 2
In the first installment of this series, we reviewed the unique twist given to the classic Adventist understanding of Last Generation Theology by the teachings of one Robert Brinsmead, during the so-called Awakening movement he led during the 1960s. We noted that this twist was based on Brinsmead’s attempt to unite this classic Adventist teaching with what is known in Christian theology as the doctrine of original sin. This doctrine, as we also noted, teaches that the sinful nature human beings inherit at birth is the same as sin itself—that human beings, in other words, are born sinners.
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