At the present time it is imperative for us, as God’s remnant people, to be active in finishing the work in these last days. As the world is becoming more chaotic and corrupt, it is time to wake up and share the gospel, the Three Angels’ Messages, to people around the world.
Read MoreEzekiel's Prophetic Temple
One of the most neglected portions of prophetic scripture is the temple vision recorded in the final chapters of the book of Ezekiel. But this vision is one that the church can no longer afford to ignore because it is also divinely linked to both the Sabbath and the Jubilee. As a depiction of the end-time church it illustrates what the church, spiritual Israel, is to become under the final outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Read MoreIt's raining cats and dogs!
All this rain has got me thinking about what the Bible calls the “latter rain.” It’s exciting stuff, and you and I could be a part of it . . . if we wanted to be.
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