The tall, elegant immigration officer stooped down and picked up a book from Reuben’s hand. We were sitting in the immigration office, waiting for our residence visas to be completed, and Reuben was holding a small stack of The Great Hope, which we were planning to hand out to workers in the office.
Read MoreMissionary finance: boon or bane?
The history of Seventh-day Adventism places Jesus’ Great Commission at the very heartbeat of its existence. Today the church has planted its logo in 215 of the 237 countries and areas of the world that are recognized by the United Nations. Hundreds of missionaries have left the comfort of their homes to take Christ to the nations of the world. We are one of the most dedicated and active Christian missionary agencies on the planet.
In August, 2013, Heather Ruiz traveled through West Africa as a journalist for ADRA. After working in development for nine months, Ruiz moved to a village in the Western Sahara to find answers for her questions about responsible volunteering and empowering communities. The following article is her insight on constructive service.
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