Universal Legal Justification: Do The Inspired Writings Teach It?

For a number of years now, a theory known as “universal legal justification” has been making the rounds among devout Seventh-day Adventists. In short, this theory teaches that on Calvary’s cross, Jesus didn’t simply die for the whole human race—something we all believe—thus providing for all a way of salvation should they meet the prescribed conditions found in Scripture. Rather, this “universal justification” theory insists that Christ legally justified the whole human race when He died on Calvary. 

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Sanctification by faith

Many times, when I hear people talk about “1888,” there seems to be a preoccupation with a narrow explanation of the event and message. This emphasis usually comes from the more “conservative” end of the spectrum and it essentially goes thusly: the main point, and grand theme, that Jones and Waggoner brought to our attention is that we can, by faith, live completely victorious lives. We can overcome sin, attain perfection, live righteously by faith.

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The final generation

Why will the last generation become the last generation and not any generation before it?  Is something missing?  I believe we need the latter rain, but what will bring that about?  I had heard that we will not receive it until we are completely without sin, so I tried very hard to get rid of all the sin in my life.  I’m not the person I was when I started on my Christian journey, but I have not attained perfection.

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