How God made Belgium GLOW

My wife and I enjoy traveling the world, and over the last five summers, we've visited 35 countries. While visiting Belgium in 2011, we shared some English GLOW tracts with our friend Christophe and his small church. We didn't think much of it because our tracts were in English. Little did we know what would happen after we left.

The GLOW team "ambushed"  us while we were visiting their booth at the Generation for Youth Conference (GYC) in Seattle, Wash. This is my testimony of how God used us to help Belgium GLOW.


Since our visit, the small church has placed over 3,000 GLOW tracts in the hands of their neighbors with special attention made on personal contacts. The GLOW tracts have spread to the Netherlands where the tracts are being passed out in even larger numbers.

Do you feel impressed to share GLOW? See what God will do with GLOW in your hands. Visit and order your tracts today.