Paying the bills

Do you enjoy reading ADvindicate? Do you like having a forum in which to discuss the religious issues of the day? Is it important to you to have a fresh, unique perspective on Adventist news?  Is it important for you to have a conservative Adventist perspective on church events that is not the bland, official propaganda, and certainly not the corrosive cynicism of those who would transform the church?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, please consider supporting ADvindicate with a tax-deductible contribution.  We have bills to pay.  We are not supported by tithe, like the Review, nor do we have a $250,000 annual budget contributed by wealthy liberal donors, like a certain magazine/website whose name I will not utter.

We have web hosting expenses, email service expenses, legal and accounting expenses, banking expenses, etc.  And that's just to survive and keep publishing the web page on the Internet.

But we want to do more than survive.  We want to thrive and expand.  In order to expand, we have to promote the site at conventions such as ASI and GYC, and that takes money to cover booth rental, decoration, travel, hotel, etc.

No one is getting rich from Advindicate, nor even drawing a salary.  This is a labor of love.  We do this because we believe in what we are doing.  We believe the church community needs an independent website that is faithful to the established doctrines and hermeneutic of the church.

We would like to put this endeavor on a less precarious financial footing.  We would like to be able to pay for articles (which, at present, we do not).  We would like to be free to look up from the day-to-day chores and expenses, and develop a strategic plan for long-term growth.

We would like to be able to send correspondents to cover important events like the Annual Council that just concluded in Maryland, the ASI and GYC conventions, conference and union constituency meetings, and the General Conference Sessions, such as the one happening next year in San Antonio.  Wouldn't it be nice if you didn't have to depend on Bill Knott and/or Bonnie Dwyer to tell you what is happening in the church? Is it just me, or is it time for a conservative perspective on church news?

But we will not be able to do any of this without you and your generosity. Everything depends on the Lord making means available, and the Lord works through people like you to provide the means.  So please help.

Brothers and sisters, if you consider us a partner in a work you support, we do wish that we may have some benefit from you in the Lord.  Refresh our hearts in Christ.  Confident in your help I write, knowing that you will do even more than I ask, through Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us  (Philemon 17-21; Eph. 3:20).

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