Time's up! Give now

After almost two and a half years, we decided it was time to fundraise and take ADvindicate to the next level. With no money and a reliance on voluntary submissions for the first couple years, there was only so much we could offer. One of our readers approached ADvindicate president Gerry Wagoner at a convention and asked why ADvindicate wasn't covering more news. All of us at ADvindicate have full-time jobs and write and run the website in our spare time. In spite of this, God has blessed the site and we're doing well. There are many things we would have liked to cover, but due to lack of money and available writers, we were unable to deliver.

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Paying the bills

Do you enjoy reading ADvindicate? Do you like having a forum in which to discuss the religious issues of the day? Is it important to you to have a fresh, unique perspective on Adventist news? Is it important for you to have a conservative Adventist perspective on church events that is not the bland, official propaganda, and certainly not the corrosive cynicism of those who would transform the church?

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Your investment with ADvindicate

You can help ADvindicate raise $30,000 in four months to expand its news coverage and reach. From now until Dec. 31, we will be fundraising to cover projected expenses for 2015. Over the last two years, you provided the funds for ADvindicate to establish itself as a 501(c)3 non-profit, which benefits future supporters by allowing all donations to be tax deductible. You provided the funds for the basic operation of ADvindicate, and we are so thankful. You provided funds that allowed ADvindicate to host booths at ASI and GYC. These conventions help bring greater awareness and increased readership.

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