Your investment with ADvindicate

You can help ADvindicate raise $30,000 in four months to expand its news coverage and reach. From now until Dec. 31, we will be fundraising to cover projected expenses for 2015.

Over the last two years, you provided the funds for ADvindicate to establish itself as a 501(c)3 non-profit, which benefits future supporters by allowing all donations to be tax deductible. You provided the funds for the basic operation of ADvindicate, and we are so thankful. You provided funds that allowed ADvindicate to host booths at ASI and GYC. These conventions help bring greater awareness and increased readership.

ADvindicate has seen extraordinary growth. If you compare the first six months of ADvindicate's existence in 2012 to the same period this year, you would see a 442 percent increase in unique visits (90,223 vs 16,646) and a 341 percent increase in pageviews (383,960 vs 86,964).

The success of ADvindicate can only be attributed to God's blessing. The staff, board members and writers have endeavored to publish content that is Christ-centered, Bible-based and from a traditional Adventist perspective. You have expressed a desire for this kind of content, and we're doing our best to deliver. However, there are limits to what volunteer work can provide you.

ADvindicate is run by five volunteers, four of whom have full-time jobs. As it grows, the need to rely on more help to produce the content you want becomes greater. Many of you have told us you wish ADvindicate would publish more news stories, and we want to deliver this service to you, but we need your financial support. 

Reaching $30,000 would be easy if every reader in the last year donated 20 cents, but since the odds of that are slim, we encourage you to give as liberally as you feel impressed.

Your donations will directly fund ADvindicate's operating costs, content promotion, and most of all, more news.

Thank you for your financial investment. We're excited about working in cooperation with you to circulate relevant news and information in these last days.

All checks can be made out to ADvindicate and sent to:

Beaumont, CA 92223

Most of you enjoy the convenience of donating online, so we also offer Stripe as a secure method of donating.

We'll keep a goal thermometer updated to keep you posted on how you're helping us reach $30,000.

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