ADvindicate hits 1,000,000 pageviews

I am pleased to inform you that ADvindicate has just passed an important milestone today--1,000,000 pageviews. Thanks to each one of you for your faithfulness and interest in ADvindicate.

ADvindicate launched just over two years ago as a means of encouragement to those who desire biblical perspectives on current issues facing our church, and we have been blessed with a growing readership and financial support for our small needs.

Our needs are growing though as we endeavor to bring you more news and feature articles. Good writers that have time to write for free are in short supply.

We're also looking to kick our news coverage into high gear, but without the proper funding this will never happen.

Starting in July, ADvindicate will be launching a significant fund raising campaign, but there is no need to wait until July to donate. Do you enjoy the news and feature articles published here every week? Do you enjoy the daily conversations that take place in our forum? If so, then consider supporting ADvindicate financially today.

We often receive letters from readers who are being encouraged, and through that we are encouraged as well.

Gerry Wagoner

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