Pathfinder Camporee kicks off this Tuesday in Oshkosh

The Center for Youth Evangelism announced that its main speakers for this year's Forever Faithful International Camporee would be Sam Leonor and Gilbert Cangy.   

Sam Leonor is the head chaplain for La Sierra University and board member and co-founder of the One Project. He's currently a doctoral candidate at George Fox University. ADvindicate recently published "One Project: present or emergent truth" by Janet Neumann that covered the 2014 Seattle One Project.

Along with speakers like Alex Bryan, Leonard Sweet, and Japhet De Olivera, Sam Leonor has spoken at various One Project meetings, many of which can be seen on YouTube. He is also musically talented and can sometimes be seen playing bass guitar at youth events.

Other noteworthy One Project consultants are Steve Case, Niels-Erik Andreasen and Sandra Roberts. Sandra Roberts is the controversial first female conference president of the Southeastern California Conference—an election that is not recognized by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

Gilbert Cangy is the speaker for the Sabbath Morning program. Cangy is the General Conference Youth Director.

The two speakers were unanimously approved by the Camporee's Executive Advisory Committee on Oct. 17, 2011, when it met to discuss Camporee planning. Approximately 46,000 boys and girls, ages 10 to 15, from more than 100 countries will be attending the Pathfinder Camporee. 


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