A religious movement known as the New Apostolic Reformation has come into American headlines recently, particularly with respect to the 2024 presidential election.  The movement is regarded by some as vague and shadowy rather than an organization [1].  This could be a fair assessment as it is not a singular organization so much as a school of thought making its way through the American religious landscape [2].

The History of the NAR

As many have never heard of this movement until recently, one would be forgiven for thinking it is very recent.  However, if we regard it as a school of religious thought rather than a structured organization, or even a collection of denominations, we can trace its beginnings to back to 1947 [3], or even further back to 1900 [4], when Ellen White and many of our Adventist pioneers were still with us.  Because of its strong association with Pentecostalism [5], we could regard it as part of the "waves" that the Pentecostal movement speaks of [6].  If we consider it to be part of the continuum of the original Pentecostal movement since the 19th century [7][8], we can regard it as very much part of the continuing fall of spiritual Babylon that was prophesied by Ellen White during her ministry. 

The NAR and Us

The New Apostolic Reformation should be of interest to Seventh-day Adventists because of two major components which fit strongly with our understanding of end-time events. These are: (1) the uniting of church and state and (2) the role of miracles. But in spite of these two very dovetailing features, most in contemporary Adventism seem unaware of this movement.  Perhaps this is because so many among us find themselves split between a humanistic, self-accommodating spirituality as opposed to speculative conspiracy theories which often attend support for the union of church and state rather than opposition to the same [9].

Union of Church and State

The New Apostolic Reformation movement is strongly committed to the blending of church and state, with the church supreme.  Its focus is Christian dominionism [10], which is the belief that before Jesus comes the church is to establish His kingdom on earth by establishing its dominance over the once-secular state.  Christian dominionism has its origins in the concept which is also known as Postmillennialism [11].  Ellen White often spoke of the role Postmillennialism would have in end-time events [12].                                                                   

By contrast, the core of our classic Adventist understanding of end-time events, as found in Revelation 13 and such books as The Great Controversy, is that the conquest of civil government by the church lies at the center of Satan’s last-day scenario.  The New Apostolic Reformation is emerging on the American scene for this very reason [13][14].  Very real concerns surround this movement and the possibility of its establishing some form of Christo- Fascist dictatorship [15].

Certain Adventists in recent decades have claimed that a dictatorship of this sort could never happen in America.  Much has happened in recent times to inflict serious doubt on such complacency.  In fact, the warnings of the inspired pen on the future loss of liberty in the United States have never been more relevant.  It is time we review them and take them to heart:

The dignitaries of church and State will unite to bribe, persuade, or compel all classes to honor the Sunday. The lack of divine authority will be supplied by oppressive enactments. Political corruption is destroying love of justice and regard for truth; and even in free America, rulers and legislators, in order to secure public favor, will yield to the popular demand for a law enforcing Sunday observance [16].

God calls for immediate repentance and reformation. It is time for a great change to take place among the people who are looking for the second appearing of their Lord. Soon strange things will take place. God will hold us responsible for the way in which we treat the truth. Our purity of faith and action will decide our future [17].

As the defenders of truth refuse to honor the Sunday-sabbath, some of them will be thrust into prison, some will be exiled, some will be treated as slaves. To human wisdom, all this now seems impossible; but as the restraining Spirit of God shall be withdrawn from men, and they shall be under the control of Satan, who hates the divine precepts, there will be strange developments. The heart can be very cruel when God's fear and love are removed [18].

In the light of what we know about democracies and dictatorships, having had major 20th century examples, the kind of behavior depicted above is very much in line with dictatorships and the popular support which often brings them to power.  In light of the above statements and so much that we’ve seen in America of late, a Christo-Fascist dictatorship coming to power can in no sense be ruled out.


However, the second major focus of Revelation 13, besides being union of church and state (the image of the first beast) is the role miracles will play in the establishment of the second beast (signs and wonders). The New Apostolic Reformation puts big store on miracles and indeed claims that miracles have even now taken place in their midst [19] [20].

While it is very difficult to ascertain that these miracles are genuine, we should not exclude the possibility than some may be [21].  We need to, at this stage, realise the importance that miracles are to this movement.  Their schools of though are very much influenced by the writings of Peter Wagner and Bill Johnson who claim that miracles that have happened in their midst are a sign of God being behind their movement [22] [23].


While much more could be written about the New Apostolic Reformation, a quick summary will assist in establishing its importance to our understanding of end-time events.  Looking at its long history, I believe it to be an ongoing aspect of the fall of mainstream Protestant churches, detailed in Ellen White's writings and referenced in the writings of Daniel and Revelation.  While I am not advocating that we become fearful of its developments or skirt off into fanciful interpretations of it outside of what we know from the Spirit of Prophecy, I believe it to be a significant part of end time events and am amazed at the complete silence concerning it in so many contemporary Adventist circles. While condemned by some other churches as well, due to its secular political focus and the alleged miracles in its midst, its influence continues to grow in America's political and religious circles [24], and it thus bears watching.


















16.  Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, p. 592.

17. ----Medical Ministry, p. 38.

18. ----The Great Controversy, p. 608.







Tony Rigden, a former atheist/deist, came into the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1980 as the result of a miraculous conversion and the reading of the book The Great Controversy by Ellen G White.  He has since been a regular Sabbath School teacher, very part-time lay preacher, elder and briefly head elder.  Formerly an electronics technician and computer programmer, Tony is currently still part-time programming but mostly retired.  Former hobbies included diving and private flying. Currently he is a volunteer guard (train conductor) for one of New Zealand's leading vintage railways.