The events of the past week in the United States have evoked calls for “lowering the temperature” in political discourse, urging grace and civility in social dialogue, even making effort to contact friends with whom one differs on such issues and letting them know how much they are appreciated.  Bible-believing Christians, of course, shouldn’t need politicians or journalists to remind them of such responsibilities.

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As a teenager, star-struck with the march of scientific progress, I sat in front of my science teacher and listened with rapture as he told us that God was nothing more than a man-made concept, and that man needed to progress himself from his caveman existence to where we are today (about 1966).            

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The Climate Change Agenda and the Prophetic Sunday Law: A Different Perspective

Recent discussions have raised concerns about the global climate change movement and whether it might lead to the enforcement of Sunday laws. However, a careful analysis reveals that the current environmental advocacy, including the Vatican's efforts, does not align with the prophetic scenario described in Adventist eschatology.

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There are those in contemporary Adventism who urge that doctrinal, moral, and ecclesiastical differences be transcended through “oneness in Christ.” But the Bible presents two visions of Christian oneness—one in John 17, the other in Isaiah 4. Which one will we embrace?

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Let us pray for and encourage our leaders to take a decisive though compassionate stand for the teachings of God’s Word relative to gender and sexuality, and to hold all accountable at every level for their adherence to the same.  Nothing less is possible for the great end-time movement of whom God will one day soon declare, “Here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus” (Rev. 14:12).

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