We've modified a few features and added a new one. All comments will now be displayed chronologically, and the most recent comment's widget has been removed. Also, we've added a new section to the website that will feature only news articles.
While ADvindicate encourages readers to interact with its content, the site does not primarily exist to act as a forum. Our primary focus is to publish Christ-centered, Bible-based, Seventh-day Adventist perspectives on current events and issues within the church. We believe removing the comment widget reflects this philosophy.
Nested comments will no longer be supported. With the absence of the comment widget, it will be difficult to locate new nested comments. Also, despite the few advantages of nested comments, readers tend to find chronological comments easier to follow.
Truncated Comments Whenever you see a comment that has been truncated, it means the author has exceeded the 200 word limit. Instead of deleting comments that exceed our limit, we've decided it is sufficient to truncate these comments. This way those who wish to read the longer comments can do so by expanding the truncated comments.
Replying to Comments There are a few ways you can reply to another reader. A simple salutation to get their attention works:
Joe: I agree with what you said, but your last point needs some clarification.
Disqus does allow commenters to use the @ symbol; however, it appears they haven't worked out all the kinks, because instead of showing the commenters name, it often shows a jumble of numbers. If you want to give it a try, place the @ symbol in front of their user name: @Joe.
Flagging Comments We encourage commenters to hold each other accountable to the rules. If you feel a comment is in violation of one of ADvindicate's rules, please flag it, and a moderator will be notified and make the final judgment.