Editorial by Jay Gallimore on Annual Council

Jay Gallimore, president of the Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, wrote this editorial on the recent decision of the Annual Council. Many have construed the events at Annual Council as a further attack by conservatives on women's ordination. In this editorial, however, Pastor Gallimore shows what the real issue is, and why it is so important for the church to deal with it.

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The Brinsmead Heresy and Last Generation Theology, Part 2

In the first installment of this series, we reviewed the unique twist given to the classic Adventist understanding of Last Generation Theology by the teachings of one Robert Brinsmead, during the so-called Awakening movement he led during the 1960s. We noted that this twist was based on Brinsmead’s attempt to unite this classic Adventist teaching with what is known in Christian theology as the doctrine of original sin. This doctrine, as we also noted, teaches that the sinful nature human beings inherit at birth is the same as sin itself—that human beings, in other words, are born sinners.

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New Comment Policy

Here at ADvindicate, it is our goal to articulate and promote the distinctive doctrines, worship principles, and lifestyle standards of classic Seventh-day Adventism, as set forth in the Bible, the writings of Ellen G. White, and the Fundamental Beliefs of the Church, and to present, establish, and strengthen faith in the distinctive message of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. To further this mission, and to keep discussions in the comments sections of the articles as civil, gracious, and productive as possible, we are updating our comment policy.

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The Cosmic Conflict

The Super Bowl is about the two best teams in pro football going at it head-to-head. You expect there to be a showdown of epic proportions as each team gives its all to win. This brings to mind the fact that there are two cosmic “teams” currently battling to the death. What they’re fighting for is far more monumental than the Super Bowl trophy; it’s nothing less than the hearts and minds of every human being on Planet Earth.

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The Brinsmead Heresy and Last Generation Theology

Many are familiar with Ellen White’s statement, “We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history” (1).  Unfortunately, a few contemporary Adventists in the conservative theological camp are seeking to revive a heresy many today probably don’t remember—the teachings of Robert Brinsmead during the 1960s, which attempted to marry the doctrine of original sin, as taught by many of the Protestant Reformers, to the classic Adventist doctrine of a perfected final generation hastening the return of Jesus.

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Last Thoughts Before Facing the Ballot Box

The 2016 Presidential Election is coming up fast. Some have already voted early, such as myself. Some are convinced that these elections are the most significant to date, certainly among the most recent Presidential elections that come to mind. There is truth to this; every American Presidential election, and minor election, has the more significance the closer we come to the Second Coming of Christ, especially with what we know about the role of America in Bible prophecy.

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The Christian and the Ballot

This editorial was written by the late Kenneth H. Wood, who served as editor of the Review and Herald (later the Adventist Review) from 1966 to 1982.  It was published in the Review and Herald of October 19, 1972, as the U.S. presidential election of that year approached.  Though written many years ago, its insights regarding Seventh-day Adventist participation in the secular political process remain cogent, balanced, and timeless.  Its thoughts would be helpful to ponder on the eve of the pending U.S. presidential election.

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Where are the Pauls?

We then come to the conclusion of three kinds of relationships at creation: first, between Man and the lower creatures, second, between man and man, and finally, between man and God. Relationship seems to pervade the kingdom of God, an evidence of how particular it is to Him. No wonder God took all the necessary measures to ensure that there could be perfect relationships.

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Autumn Council's Other Issue

This year's Autumn Council generated much interest with its focus on reconciliation and mission. Yet General Conference President Ted Wilson chose neither unity nor mission, but education as the topic of his October 8 Sabbath sermon. A gift copy of Ellen White's Education had been placed at each seat, and he recommended it as both a complement to the educational instructions in the Bible and a book that could change the direction of our institutions.

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Annual Council 2016: Reflections and Analysis

On October 11, 2016, the Annual Council of the General Conference Executive Committee voted to approve a procedure by which the non-compliance of certain denominational entities with world church policy is to be addressed. This procedure will involve a year-long, two-step process in which efforts at reconciliation will be conducted by those strata within the church organization which bear responsibility for those entities—such as Unions and local Conferences—who have lately veered in their practices from the voted decisions of the worldwide Adventist body.

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Dismissal of Unfaithful Shepherds, Part II

In the first article of this series, Dismissal of Unfaithful Shepherds, it was seen that unfaithful ministers in the remnant church must be converted or purged out before the remnant church receives the promised showers of blessing through the latter rain, or makes decided progress in the movement of the Three Angels’ messages.

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Who Should I Believe?

Annual Council 2016 is imminent. Union and Division presidents and other church leaders are arriving at American airports. Some have never been here before; others were present in San Antonio in 2015 or have come at other times. But some puzzle over the Adventist Church in North America. They are told that most American Adventists decidedly favor women’s ordination. Then they discover that many, many American Adventists strongly oppose women’s ordination. They ask themselves, Who should I believe?

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Who Can Fix the World?

Our world is a vast lazar house, a scene of misery that we dare not allow even our thoughts to dwell upon. Did we realize it as it is, the burden would be too terrible. Yet God feels it all. In order to destroy sin and its results He gave His best Beloved, and He has put it in our power, through co-operation with Him, to bring this scene of misery to an end (Ellen White, Education, 264).

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